Above 3000 to 5000 year age chine’s introduce ABACUS. It was a calculating device. ABACUS is a frame of wire on which bands are strung on it. Arithmetic operations are perform by manipulating the bits on the wire.
In the 17th century a “Mechanical Adding Machine” was produce by “PASCAL”. This machine was known as adding machine because it could only add or subtract. A German Mathematician “LEIBNIZ” improved the adding machine by performing multiplication through repeated addition of a number.
CHARLES BABBAGE a professor of mathematics gave the idea of “Difference Engine” in 1822. It could solve Differential Engine in 1842 became out with “Analytical Engine” but he is not able to produce because the technology at that time are not so advance.
In 1945 “Dr. John Won Neumann” gave the idea of stored program computer “EDVAC” (Electronic descried variable automatic computer) was the just stored program computer. It was develop in 1952. Modern electronic computer “ENIAC” (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) came into existence in 1946. It was the first electronic computer. It was developed by Professor Eckert and John Mauchly.
Used for
Education and
Generation of Computer
After ENIAC the technology has advanced at a tremendous pace. The computer profess not have 
name every new development as new generation in computer.

name every new development as new generation in computer.
(1) First generation of computer(1945-1955):- They were very large in size. The technology was based on vacuum tube. Vacuum tube is a glass device that could control and amplify electronic signal.
(1) Fastest computing device of three time.
(2) Vacuum tube technology made possible the electronic digital computer .
(1) Bulk in size.
(2) Un reliable.
(3) Consume too much of power.
(4) Generated large amount of heat because of vacuum tubes.
(5) Non-portable.
(6) Air conditioning required.
(7) Frequent hard ware failure .
(8) Commercial production was difficult.
(2) Second generation of computer(1955-1965)
In this generation vacuum tubes were replaced by transistor. There for physical size of the computer was greatly reduce. Electric power consumption was also reduced.
(1) Smaller in size.
(2) More reliable and less grown to hardware failure.
(3) Less heat generated.
(4) Computational time in micro second.
(5) Better portability.
(6) Wider commercial user.
(3) Third generation of computer(1965-1970)
In this generation transistor were replaced by integrated circuit. An in circuit is a silicon chip that contains all elements of an electronic circuit on a very small area in the form of micro electronic circuit.
(1) This generation of computer used integrated circuit based technology.
(2) Smaller in size.
(3) More reliable and cheaper.
(4) Portable.
(5) Could be commercially produced at cheaper rates.
(6) Low power consumption.
(7) Lower heat generation as compared to previous computer.
(8) Computational time in neon second.
(1) Complex and sophisticated required for the manufacture of I.C. chips technology .
(2) A.C. required.
(4) Fourth generation of computer (1970-and on wards)
In third generation I.C. contain only 10 to 20 components (logic circuit and gates). This is called S.S.I. (small scale integration). In fourth generation it became possible to integrate up to hundred component on a single chip. This technology is called M.S.I. (medium scale integration). It is also possible to integrate over 30,000 components on a single chip.
This technology is called L.S.I. (large scale integration)
To integrate more than 1 million components over a single chip. This technology is called V.L.S.I. (very large scale integration )
In fourth generation of computer L.S.I. chip are the brain of fourth generation of computer.
(1) Very small in size.
(2) Very reliable.
(3) Much faster in computational compared to previous generations.
(4) Production cost very less.
(5) Easily portable.
(6) Hardware failure is less.
Same as third
(5)Fifth generation of computer:-
They are yet to arrive these computer are supposed to have thinking power that is they will have artificial intelligence. Fifth generation of computer will not just do data processing but they will also perform knowledge processing scientist believe that we are still in fourth generation of computer.
Programming Language
A program is a set of logically related instruction that are arrange in a sequence that guides the computer to solve a problem. The process of writing a program is called programming. We write the program in a computer language call programming language. A programming language consist of all the symbol, character and rules that permit that allow person to communicate with computer learning to a programming required learning all these symbol and rules.
Language are two type:-
(1) low level (2) high level
(1) Low level :- These are two type of low level languages:-
(i) Machine language:- it is a sequence of instruction written in the in the form of binary number consisting of 1’S and 0’S
That computer can understand directly. It is very difficult to understand by the user. But the main advantage of this language is that it is faster in execution as compare to other languages, because the computer can directly starts executing it.
(ii) Assembling language:- One way to simplify the machine language is substitute, letters, symbols and numeric in place of machine code. Such language is known as assembling language. Symbols & numeric which we used in assembling language very form computer to computer. that is assembly language is machine depended.
(2) High Level Language :- They are also made up of symbols but un like assembling program high level language program may be used with different makes of computer.
(1) Readability:- They are more easily readable than those in assembly language and machine language.
(2) Portability:- High level programs could be run on different machine with no changes.
(3) Easy debugging:- Errors are easy to find and remove in high level program.
(4) Easy soft were development:- Soft were could easily be develop using high level language.
Translation of high level languages to machine language
(1) Compiler:- A compiler translate a source program that is usually written in a high level language into object program that is machine program. A compiler create a unique object program that is when a source program is compiler there is no need of that source program because out put can be obtained by executing that object program.
(2) Interpreter:- Interpreter translate each source program statement into a sequence of machine instruction and then control unit execute these machine instruction. Before translating the next source language statement there for if an error occur in a line. Interpreter process will terminate at that point only.
Different compiler provides a separate object program but the interpreter does not. At the time of using interpreter every time the source program is needed another difference is that interpreter translate the source program line wise that is it would not execute the next line unless the first one has no error.
(3) Assembler :- Assembler is a program that translate assembly language program to machine language.
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